My Current Nugget of Inspiration

"If you have a dream, go for it. No one is stopping you, except yourself!"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


...that's an understatement. We just got back from the road trip and I had a really good time. We laughed and sang songs the whole way there and back.

For some reason right before we left I had an intense dizzy spell. When we were leaving town we stopped at the convenience store and I decided to grab a croissant. I figured some sort of bread would help regulate whatever was causing the spell. It did work for a brief amount of time but the dizziness came back again shortly after.

We stopped for breakfast 1/2 way there and I ate a sandwich to help balance out my sugar levels or whatever it is that is causing the dizzy spells. It did OK for a little while but then they came back a 3rd time once we reached our destination. Finally it surpassed on the way back home. Dave is worried about me and thinks I should go to a doctor but they aren't going to be able to figure anything out if I am not currently having the spells when I am there. I figure I will wait it out a few days and see how things go.

I feel fat today. I'm sure it's all this bad eating that I have been doing. I said before I don't believe in posting my weight till after I sleep but I did just step on the scale and was pleased to see 158.8. That's before I even have time to sleep. I'm not using that number yet though. I'm going to go and pass out and see what happens when I wake up.

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