My Current Nugget of Inspiration

"If you have a dream, go for it. No one is stopping you, except yourself!"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ups & Downs

Today has been a whirlwind of emotions and feelings. I wrote notes throughout work so I could remember to post them when I came home from dinner.

For some reason I have had some major neck pains the last couple of days. It was bothering me so much when I went to work that I took 2 ibuprofen. I'm not sure if they affected me more than normal because of the low calorie count or if it was some sort of unrelated issue but I turned dizzy and was unable to focus on anything at all! Seriously, my attention span was non-existent. That's not something that I am able to have happen with my job so I was pretty worried.

A couple hours later I ate part of my orange and started to feel a bit better. I was more focused. I still was extremely sluggish and exhausted and would much rather be off today to recover. That's not a good idea for MANY reasons and honestly just isn't really an option.

I believe that part of the problem I am having might be my body going through caffeine withdrawals. I'm not completely sure though. Time will tell.

I have to head back to work. When I get home later I will discuss my meal issues.

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