My Current Nugget of Inspiration

"If you have a dream, go for it. No one is stopping you, except yourself!"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I'm not sure what exactly happened but I've been very hungry today. Lots of cravings and never seem to be full. I'm not really used to this. Maybe it's my metabolism on over-drive. I don't know but I'm incredibly nervous for tomorrow. I was hoping for some great improvement and I'm starting to think I might see an increase instead. I really hope I don't but I am feeling big. Ugh. I also should add in here that I am fairly positive I'm PMSing too. That adds to bloated and weight gain, right? So if that's what the problem is then maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself. It's not really helping.

I think I'm going to take a sleeping pill tonight and hope the scale gods are good to me in the morning. I'm going to finish another 2 cups of water and maybe a few chapters of my book and sleep for 10hrs or so.

Oh also, I decided to start taking Alli again. I figure it can't hurt. It helped with results before and as long as I remember to take it, it has to aid with my progress this time around too. I certainly don't want to be at a plateau already!

I am about to start work tomorrow for 7 straight days (not all of them full shifts) and then have 7 days off. I'm glad for some real time off.

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