My Current Nugget of Inspiration

"If you have a dream, go for it. No one is stopping you, except yourself!"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 48

Weight: 153.4 (-0.4/day; -0.4/week; -9.0/total)

Well, I just went back and posted for the 2 other days I missed. I have been slacking like crazy and I don't like it. I am "maintaining" all the loss I had for last month but I am not making any progress and my dedication isn't quite what it used to be.

I have been spending too much time with Dave and it's not helping me. I am starting the 'detach' process since I spent most of yesterday depressed. I keep getting my feelings hurt and it's just not worth it anymore. Not that I plan on cutting him out of my life, but I have to put me first.

Part of what will make me feel better is getting my hair done. I am pretty sure that the last time I did was in February. I am not even sure if that's correct. I know I definitely did last November but I am pretty sure there was some time early this year. Either way, it's been so long and I can't handle it anymore so I am just biting the bullet and shelling out the money. I have an appointment in about 90 mins. Yay!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 47

Weight 153.8 (+0.2/day; -0.0/week; -8.6/total)

I spent most of that day in a state of depression due to relationship woes so posting didn't happen. I did weigh in though which is a plus, right?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 46

No Weigh In - No Post

OK so I didn't weigh in or post on this day because it started off weird all around. I ended up getting up way too early and then had to run around and play Taxi with Dave. Then we ended up at the bar and with pizza... and well...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 45

Weight: 153.6 (-0.4/day; -0.2/week; -8.8/total)

Well that's better. I knew yesterday was a fluke. Now if I could just continue to lose... Tomorrow is the football game and Dave is supposed to come over for it. That usually means some not-so-good-for-me food choices. We'll see. I'm thinking about hitting up whole foods for some baked chips and then making some salsa but that seems a little ambitious so far.

Motivation has not made my list for today. LOL

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 44

Weight 154.0 (+0.4/day; +0.2/week; -8.4/total)

I really didn't want to post this today because I know it's not correct. I had a crazy schedule yesterday and then didn't sleep very much. My food intake wasn't crazy and there is no reason for a gain today. Tomorrow will be a better day for sure!

Blah - I hate that number.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 43

Weight: 153.6 (-0.2/day; -0.2/week; -8.8/total)

Well I took that last few days off (as I said I was going to) and now it's back to the grind. I did well yesterday but knew I would be over and didn't want to see it. I figured it was better for my motivation not to see what the scale said till today.

I have been splurging a lot this month. I need to get back to good and continue my journey to get back to my goal. Luckily even in my splurging I have been able to maintain between the losing. There is something to be said for that.

I ended up going to California for that day trip with Dave and obviously didn't eat well. I also started not feeling well yesterday. I have been spending all this time trying to make Dave feel better (he has a cold) and I think it started heading my way. Either way, I took some Nyquil last night and went to sleep. I slept a LONG time and now I'm feeling better today.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 42

No Weigh In - No Post