My Current Nugget of Inspiration

"If you have a dream, go for it. No one is stopping you, except yourself!"

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 19

Weight: 157.4 (+0.4/day; +0.2/week; -5.0/total)

Well something happened yesterday. I had a moment of weakness and basically had a binge day. It wasn't pretty. I did fairly well during the day but when I got home I just shovelled food down my throat. Lots of it. It was insane! I just splurged and splurged. I can't even begin to try to track what my real point intake for the day was. That moment is EXACTLY why I have to stop working 15hr days. I am trying to not get discouraged and get back on track. Blah.

I am technically on vacation. I do have a few hours of overtime over the next couple days but nothing too bad. I was actually supposed to have 2hrs of OT tonight but I found out legally I wasn't allowed to take all 3 days. Even though I have 4 other days off this week I am technically getting paid for them so I can't have 7 paid days in a work week. Whatever, it doesn't really matter, I gave up today cause it was only 2hrs and the other days are 4 & 3hrs.

I am kind of glad to have today off. I would ideally like to get my life together today so I can enjoy the next 10 days off (minus 7hrs of OT).

I need to plan out my meals for the day... need to stay on track and make some progress over this time!

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